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Duffy & Friends Spring is On

Oh No!

Duffy and Friends have a problem!

ShellieMay lost her kite to a tree. ShellieMay was having a marvelous time sailing her pretty yellow and blue kite high in the sky, But then, like many kiting adventures, disaster struck.

However, it looks like LinaBell said to ShellieMay, “No worries. She could get it down easily.”

Only…. That wasn’t the case.

LinaBell and ShellieMay are happy when they see Duffy, ‘Olu Mel, StellaLou, Gelatoni and CookieAnn and ask them to join in to help. But their engineering skills aren’t that great. They look like are thinking that if they push and shake the tree, that maybe they can retrieve the kite. 

Instead, all the beautiful pink pedals fall from the lovely flowers on the tree.

They are all so joyful when they see a big wonderful mound of the amazing pink petals and start tossing them into the air. 

As a result of frolking around in the pink flower pedals, their outfits magically change. Now they are dressed in their delightful, new Shanghai Disney Resort spring outfits. 

They all seem to forget about the kite for the moment as they dance around in their new outfits and enjoy an afternoon picnic most likely whipped up by CookieAnn. 

Duffy, ShellieMay and CookieAnn must have really filled their tummies, because they lay down to rest on the flowers.

It seems as if their day is coming to a close and they are content. 

However, LinaBell didn’t forget about the kite. She skipped over to the tree and this time… YES! Success! The kite fell from the tree!!!

Video Source:

Shanghai Disney Resort

#LiveAction #OfficialDisney

NOTE: Video description from original source video translated using Google Translate. Sometimes I may edit the story a little bit or maybe even a lot, and add a comment or two... or three... Or, if the translation doesn't make any sense to my fuzzy cranial stuffing - I'll write my own little description! You know me... I never know, until I know, and then maybe I don't still know?

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