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Disney Legacy & Partners of Excellence Award Winners Picture Collection

Mr. Michael a super great chef at Epcot Center

Hi Miss Barbara!!! All yous guys gotsta go see Miss Barbara in the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Party - Miss Barbara loves to dance & make all the guests happy!

I met Mike in Africa! I found him on the trail to the Harambe Wildlife Reserve.

It's easy to see why Mr. Mark is a Legacy Winner!

Be on the look out! You never know where one of these duffer-super-duper Legacy Award Winners will be! I spotted Peter in his safety vest!

I captured Robert during Limited Time Magic Pirate week at the Magic Kingdom. He was hiding out at EPCOT. - Arrghhh! He didn't get away from this Pirate!

Gotta keep a sharp eye out, because I never know where an awesome-a-tasmic Legacy Winner will apper!

Chef Ken whips up my special treats at the Plaza Restaurant in the Magic Kingdom!

Banana Splits are even yummier when they are made special with Love.

Have you ever noticed the fantastic smiles Legacy Award Winners all have? Ann smiles so beautifully!

Doesn't seem to matter what time of day I caputer a Legacy Winner, they always have great smiles.

I found a twofer! That's two amazing Disney World Legacy Award Winners in one furbulous snap shot!

Mr. Eddie heart is a warm as his smile!

I caught cha! I love when I caputer a big group of cast members! and it's an even bigger score when there's a Legacy Winner in the group!

A DoubleDuffer! Florence & Tom were spreading the Magic at the Animal Kingdom.

Legacy Winner Tony and I are best buds now! Well, in my imagination anyways!

Mr. Rafael awarded me temporary Legacy Winner status!

How did I get so lucky?

Me and Legacy Winner Chris... What a handsome pair!

Don't be jealous yous guys... 😉
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