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The Best Christmas Gift is the Gift of Friendship

Oppppssss... Yuppers...... I did it again!

I got this really great toy train for Christmas! Olu' Mel and the others saw me having so much fun they wanted their gifts to be a part of the fun.

Well..... naturally, I got a bit carried away, wasn't paying attention, and created another disaster.

Good thing that yet, once again the gang knew how to save the day and we all joined in once more together to share the joy of our Friendship!

My choo choo train engine and I were dancing together!
My choo choo train engine and I were dancing together!

Oppppsssss! I knocked over the button jar! and the buttons went everywhere!
Oppppsssss! I knocked over the button jar! and the buttons went everywhere!

Disaster turned into triumph as my friends turned their gifting boxes into train cars to be pulled my choo choo train engine!
Disaster turned into triumph as my friends turned their gifting boxes into train cars to be pulled my choo choo train engine!

Once again, I lead the way dancing around our Christmas tree as we all had a splendid time.
Once again, I lead the way dancing around our Christmas tree as we all had a splendid time.

Video Source:

Disney Magical Kingdom Blog

#StopMotion, #ShanghaiDisneyland

NOTE: Video description from original source video translated using Google Translate. Sometimes I may edit the story a little bit or maybe even a lot, and add a comment or two... or three... Or, if the translation doesn't make any sense to my fuzzy cranial stuffing - I'll write my own little description! You know me... I never know, until I know, and then maybe I don't still know?

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