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Super Proud Teddy Bear Olympics Winner!!!

Duffy off his 2015 Teddy Bear Olympics Medal

I’m super proud of my 2015 #TeddyOlympics Medal!


I’m an Olympian…. …..Again!

Yeppers Peppers! Once again, I’m an Olympian!

…..An ‘Official’ Teddy Olympian!

ShellieMay won her medal during the 2012 Olympics.

……and maybe she won her Olympic medal before I did…

Only ShellieMay isn’t an Official Teddy Olympian like me!

…. and not only am I an Official Teddy Olympian….

I’m a three time Official Teddy Olympian medal winner!


I won a medal in the 2013, 2014…. and this year too in the 2015 Teddy Olympics!

The 2015 Teddy Olympics began on June 27th. We had a totally duffertastic opening ceremonies and everything….. Like even the Teddy Olympics beginning with the official Teddy Olympic Torch going around the whole world! You can see all the places the torch was spotted on the Official Teddy Olympics web-site.

Spencer Russ Berrie, (Twitter name: @Spencerteddy,) and Olly von Steiff, (Twitter Name: @OllyTed,) are the Official Teddy Olympian founders, hosts, and sponsors of the Teddy Olympics – twitter hashtag #TeddyOlympics.

I competed in three of the six games this year.

Strike a pose!……..

Duffy wearing a red & white tee with blue bands around the sleeves,  strikes a pose saluting in front of the American Flag hanging outside his house

Proud American Bear



Duffy sitting on the railing of a wooden dock in his fishing outfit. He caught a fish with his fishing rod

Whoa! Duffermazing! I caught two fishes!!!


and Treats………

Duffy is wearing his home made Mickey Ears Birthday Celebration had, a tee shirt featuring a birthday cupcake as he eats a chocolate ice cream sundae

Now this is a TREAT!


Every bear is really excited with poly-filled stuffed anticipation during the Closing Ceremonies. This year, the Official Closing Teddy Olympic Ceremonies were held on July 18th.

Oh… even kitties, doggies, pink bunnies, monkeys, and lots of other furry creatures stuffed and not stuffed participated in the 2015 Teddy Olympic Games!

Just like the opening ceremonies, and various check-ins to follow the Official Teddy Olympics Torch around the world, we all gather together on Twitter under the hashtag #TeddyOlympics.

We had a huge feast, ………

…….and even fireworks!

Spencer Russ Berrie, @Spencerteddy, and Olly von Steiff, @OllyTed, are pawesomely duffawesome hosts for our Teddy Olympics ceremonies.

All the Olympians, torch bearers, judges and spectators tuned-in to enjoy the festivities and to hear the results….

My little stuffed heart beat faster and faster, harder and harder during the whole closing ceremony until we finally heard the results.

Just when I might pop a stitch or two…

Oh BOY! It’ was happy dance time again!

I won! I won!


That’s when I start going to the mailbox everyday to check for my medal.

… And then one day….


It’s here! It’s here!!!

Duffy opens the mailbox and finds the package with his Teddy Olympics Medal

Whoooo Hoooooo!!! DuffercalifragalisticexpiShelliedoshious! My #TeddyOlympics medal is here!!!


Special Royal Mail Delivery Service all the way from across the big pond too!

I liked to showing off my special package to ShellieMay and Little Joe. We liked to look at the special Royal Mail label.

Duffy shows the package with his Teddy Bear Olympics Medal to ShellieMay and Little Joe. Little Joe is holding a pair of scissors to help Duffy open the package.

Little Joe was so excited! He got the scissors and then kept insisting…. “Hurry up and open it Duffy!”


@Spencer and @Olly always pick a special bear twitter friend to be on our medal.

The medals are super total duffer awesome pawesomeness and custom made especially for the 2015 #TeddyOlympics.

This year they choose @MogsBear. We are all very beary lucky. @MogsBear is a great supporter of the Official Teddy Olympics. She helped make it possible for the rest of us to get our medals.

We even get a special certificate!

Duffy shows off his special Teddy Bear Olympics letter

I like to read it over and over.

Duffy has the letter on his lap as he reads it again

Congratulations to all the 2015 Teddy Olympics medal winners and a very beary special thank you to all the sponsors, torch bearers, and judges!

A Very Bear Proud Teddy Olympian,

Duffy Teddy Olympics Salutation

Duffy Bear

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear


World Elephant Day

Thunder Boomer Storms, I Love ’em!

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