A Little Happy Valentine’s Day Story
A….. excuse me Duffy, said ShellieMay as she peeked over my laptop and asked, “Do you know what today is Duffy?” ……. I was like.....

I was very busy planning my visit to Hollywood Studios, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and really preferred not to be disturbed!
I was like, “Sure ShellieMay, it’s Sunday.”
ShellieMay puffed and exclaimed, “Sunday? Is that all you have to say Duffy?……. That today is Sunday?”
*Uh oh….. I better not look up*
ShellieMay continued, “Maybe you can google it?”

*ooopppppsssssss….. think fast…….*
“Ummmmm….. is today that 14th day of February again ShellieMay?”
“Yes, Duffy, that pesky little day in February that comes every year after the 13th and before the 15th!”
“Wait here ShellieMay………”
ShellieMay crossed her arms and settled in for what she thought might be hours and hours of waiting…..
But just then,……..

“Special Delivery for ShellieMay!”
ShellieMays pretty eyes lit up like sparkling blue M&M’s candies.

Oh Duffy this is such a big surprise!
ShellieMay just kept gushing…”How thoughtful Duffy of you to remember Valentine’s Day and how much I love Hello Kitty!”

I love my little Hello Kitty Valentine’s Day present!
No sooner than ShellieMay unwrapped her Valentine’s Day gift, Little Joe appeared…..
Little Joe never misses out on any candy surprises……

“Hey, what’s going on down there? Does ShellieMay have some candy?”
Before ShellieMay or I knew what happened, Little Joe swooped down towards ShellieMay’s Hello Kitty Valentine’s Day gift package and found the pink wrapped candies.

Little Joe was so excited, “I found it! I found it! …. the chocolate is wrapped in shinny pink paper.”
Little Joe snatched up the little round candy wrapped in hot pink shinny paper. He was so fast, ShellieMay and Duffy didn't even realize he had the candy.

Little Joe ripped the shinny pink paper off the candy and to his surprise….

*nom nom nom* It’s not chocolate Duffy, but it’s still beary tasty.
What? I could hardly believe it! I didn’t get chocolate candies when I bought ShellieMay her Valentine’s Day gift?
I dug deep into the Hello Kitty bucket… maybe…..

What? No chocolate?
ShellieMay always shares her candy with me and Little Joe.
I’m kinda afraid to eat pink candies….
…..It’s too late for a refund…. ☹️
………. yet Little Joe said they tasted good….
Oh well…..
If I’ve learned anything over the years….
It’s first never to forget to buy ShellieMay a Valentine’s Day present.
Second, … I gotta remember to actually give it to her on Valentine’s Day!
…. and third, to double check the package before I buy it to make sure the candies are chocolate!

Happy Valentine’s Day EveryBear!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear