12 Days of Christmas Presents!
Christmas Presents!!! Whoooo Hoooo for 12 Days!!!
Christmas is about a lot of things…..
.....and one really neat things about Christmas is all the presents!
This year I got a super huge-a-mongus special surprise!
I was like… iPhone! Hi iPhone!!! …. oh… oh…. and… and… and… Whoa-Atasmic!. It’s an iPhone 4S! I can talk to my iPhone and my iPhone can talk to me!
I can tweet & post to all my friends anywhere… anytime now!
And… ta da!!!!...... YouTube too!
iPhones are beyond amazingly incredible! I just turned on my phone, opened up my camera app, and made my very first iPhone video!!!
I decided to share, in my first bideo about our family Christmas tradition, It's so Wow-A-tasmic fur me!!…
Yep, it’s really true! Because of my family’s traditions, I will still be getting MORE Christmas presents this year.
My family celebrates something called ‘Little Christmas’. So we get to make parties and presents for 12 whole days! This is the super coolest family ever!
I hope yous guys and your Duffy get to celebrate extra special fun things at Christmas time!
Hi World Wide Web!!!!!!! Now me & you are connected all the time!
Bear HUGS!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear