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Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day USA!

I am grateful to have this day to remember all that served in the United States Armed Forces and gave their lives to defend America.

Thank you for giving us the freedom to celebrate you and this nation and give thanks today and everyday.

Duffy wearing a red & white striped tee with blue sleeve bands, salutes the flag on Memorial Day. The flag is behind Duffy.

What a great day to honor our heros!


Like my grandaddy who served in three wars! Wow! World War II, Korea and Vietnam. My grandaddy must have been very beary brave!

Duffy wearing a red & white striped tee with blue sleeve bands, salutes the flag on Memorial Day. Duffy is facing the flag. You can see the back of his head and that he is saluting the flag.

A moment of silence and a salute to our nations flag to honor and give thanks.


Huggies to ALL!

Duffy head salutation

Duffy Bear

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear

P.S. Thank you Granddaddy for being one our nations heros!

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