Celebrating a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day in EPCOT Park!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day EveryBear! 🍀
The Lucky Leprechaun – (that’s me!⇩) ..... Just scored a Cronut!
I’m in EPCOT park today celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day!

This yummy, sugary Cronut should fill my hungry little leprechaun tummy!
I was too excited this morning and forgot to eat breakfast before we left the house.
…… well maybe I didn’t really forget to eat breakfast….. we don’t have Cronuts at home and it’s been a super long time since I got a Cronut… Oh wait….
You might be wondering “What’s a Cronut?”
A Cronut is a Croissant Doughnut tossed in Cinnamon Sugar! Yummers!
I gotta taste it to make sure it’s not poisoned before I share it with ShellieChristine. 😬

I love my sister, ShellieChristine, too much to let her get sick, so I always sacrifice and take the first bite… and sometimes a second or third bite too! (You know, just to be on the safe side.)
I love my sister too much to let her get sick.
Oh – No! No, No and NO!
I won’t get sick if there’s any poison because I’m a Lucky Leprechaun!
I even passed a long my luck to….
Joy and Sadness…

I think I saw Sadness smile when I gave her a Lucky Leprechaun Kiss!
Mickey Mouse!

Mickey Mouse was ready to follow us over the rainbow to me wee little Pot ‘o Gold!

Hehehe! Goofy knelt down to take pictures with us like he does with all the little kids. He never did that before with me. It was so cool!
And Minnie Mouse too!

Aweeeee… Minnie Mouse just has so much love in her heart. I can always feel it in her hugs. I think that’s why I’m the Bear of Happiness and Luck!
Now….. I’m heading to where I stashed my Pot of Gold!
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Duffy O’Bear
A.K.A Duffy the Disney Bear