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Solar Eclipse 2017!!!

I’m so excited! This Solar Eclipse is gonna be SUNsational!

I’m chilling by my pool ready to watch the 2017 Total Eclipse of the Sun!

I learned the from TV that it’s super important to wear your Solar Eclipse Watching Glasses

…. and even more important to wear your special Mickey Ears Tinfoil “Don’t Let the Aliens Take Over Your Brain When the Solar Eclipse Happens” Hat!

Enjoy the Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun everybear!

Duffy wears his Mickey Ears Tin Foil Hat and special Solar Eclipse glasses

Gotta be Safe!


Chillaxing to watch the Total Eclipse of the Sun got to be a longer wait than I expected…

Mommy brought me some snacks!

Duffy sips his drink from his BB-8 sipper he got from Hollywood Studios and munches on come cookies as he waits for the Solar Eclipse

Thanks mom fur the snacks!


UPDATE: Here it is! Solar Eclipse 2017

Picture of the solar eclipse as Duffy saw it

2017 Solar Eclipse in Florida!

Okies Duffer Dokies!


….that may not be a Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun…. it’s because I’m in Florida – we got an 84% Total Solar Eclipse!

Still pretty cool!


Duffy Bear head salutation

Duffy Bear

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear


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