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Sorry I Haven’t Been Blogging

Enough is enough!

Sorry I haven't been blogging.....

Duffy posed in front of a picture of Venice in the Italian restaurant

It’s been almost a year and I haven’t posted anything on my blog!

I’m sorry….. 🙁

I’m always bugging and bugging my mommy when she’s working on my computer trying to get her attention.

She’s has been crazy busy….

I guess that’s what humans do?

They get CrAzY Busy???

…. Then they start to make excuses why they don’t have enough time to play with you….?!!!

I figured I better get serious and have a BIG talk with my mommy.

I think the best way to talk to anyone is on a full stomach. So I took my mommy to an Italian Restaurant.

— Amici’s Italian Restaurant!!!

It’s a good thing that humans will stop what they are doing if you put duffer-D-licious food in front of them to eat!

I figured that this is gonna be kind of a business lunch.

That’s because I have very beary important business to discuss with my mommy! (*mutters to self* “Can six year olds have business lunches?”)


I also figured a good way to get my mommy’s attention was to make a video and post it on youtube first thing…

…by first thing… I mean before I even ordered my food!!!

That’s just how super dufferduper serious I am about getting back to my blogging.

I figured if mommy saw me make my video saying ‘I’m sorry for not posting on Youtube’ to all my YouTube fans and post the video lickety-splits,….. mommy would kinda get the hint that I need to start posting stories on my blog again too!

Step one complete!

I posted my video up on youtube.

Step two – order my lunch!

Duffy is reading Amici's Lunch Menu
Tummer Yummers! Amici’s menu has so many yummy choices! I’m gonna have to come back here lots and lots! ☺

Step three…. take out my cherry red notebook… (I love cherry red! It’s my duffer-most favorite color!)

Duffy is holding his pen and note book
I figured that holding a pen and my cherry red note book would make me look very beary official and business like….

I wasn’t really sure how to begin….

I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget to tell mommy all the things I was thinking about that I wanted to tell her.

Hummmm…..? Maybe a little sip of my soda would wet my stitch-lipped whistle and clear my cranial stuffing……

Okies – back to my notebook!

Hey – what’s this? ….A blank page?


……another blank page?


…..still another blank page?

Oops…. maybe that’s why I don’t know how to begin….

…I forgot to write all the stuff that’s been fluffing around in my cranial stuffing in my little cherry red note book!

Oh – food’s here!

When you’re a blogger it’s very beary important to….


Take a photo of your food and then…..

Second….. Eat it right away! *nom nom nom nom*

OMB! My Amici’s Italian Restaurant veal parmesan with penne pasta is Duffer-Nutterly Scrumpt-Dilly-ish-ous!

Uh oh! I forgot that I was here to talk to mommy…

Back to my notebook…..

Hummmm…. Still all blank pages….

Well….. It’s now or never….

........“Ummmm…. Mommy…..”

“I wanna start posting on my blog again…..”

Then mommy said…. “Duffy, you can post on your blog anytime you’d like.”

I shouted in my head….“Say WHAT?”

Then I said… “b..b…b… but mommy – you’re always super busy working on my computer…. playing with that software that makes those spreadsheets with all those numbers. And it looks really important.”

Mommy apologized for being super busy, and then she said….

……“Duffy, you don’t need me to help you with your blog. However, when you’d like to make a post on your blog, just ask me and I will make time for you to work on your computer.”

“Say WHAT?” .......... It’s was just that easy? Just tell mommy I wanna blog and she’ll get of the computer?

“Ummmmm…. Okies mommy…..”

Then mommy kissed me on the forehead and said, “Duffy is it really because of me that you haven’t been blogging?”

Again I shouted in my head, “Say WHAT?”

Then I kinda softly said, “a… well…. huh…. I don’t get it?”

“Duffy, sweetie, I know that you like watching your movies and teleporting to Neverland to play with your cousins Dutchie, Caraid, Jimmy, Sissy and ShellieMay. And I know that Nana has lots and lots of sweet & treats for all of you to enjoy. However, you also are responsible for posting and keeping up with your own blog, twitter and facebook.”

YIKES! I don’t like that word… “RESPONSIBLE” it’s a big word! And ‘cause mommy also uses that word “RESPONSIBLE” when I gotsta do my chores!

Just then the waitress came by with…. wait for it…..

“Mommy, May I have some dessert please?”

*Whispers* “That’s called “Dessert & Deflect!”

Whew! ….

And mommy took the bait!

It’s kinda nice just being six years old… *snickers*

Six year olds got lots and lots to learn, so mommy’s are always very beary forgiving.

The waitress brought me a cannoli!

I was scared that it might disappear, just like the tray with all the desserts disappeared super fast that I forgot Blogging Rule Number One…..

.....take a picture of your food BEFORE you eat!

Hehehehe….. I guess that means I have to go back to Amici’s Italian Restaurant very beary soon and order another cannoli! It was Scrump-Dee-Duffer-Lish-E-OUS!


I guess…well…. maybe…. mommy is sorta …. *gulp*……… right?

You know…. right about me being re-ree-reee – *come on Duffy get it out…..*

RE-Responsible for my blogging, facebook & twitter.

and that I do kinda … nope- I really LOVE teleporting to Neverland!

…..and I LOVE playing with Little Joe – especially playing Pirates!

…..and I LOVE teasing ShellieMay.

….and I LOVE to BLOG!

Oh – I’ll figure it out!

Life is only lots and lots of duffernutter fun….

When I do everything I LOVE!


Duffy Bear head salutation

Duffy Bear

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear


Happy Birthday Na Na Na Nana!

Solar Eclipse 2017!!!

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